I was at Zia the other day and when I was purchasing my items the guy at the counter asked if I had seen that the new Morrissey album was out. I would've figured that he was only asking this of people who were buying albums by the Smiths but he had also asked the previous customer a couple minutes earlier. And a new update - since I just followed that link to the Zia Records website - no, they're asking everyone. "You Are the Quarry" is their Pick of the Week.
It looks like I'm gonna miss Metric again; or, rather, they're gonna miss me this time. Currently they're opening for the Stills on various Northeast/Midwest dates (currently including tonight in Indianapolis.) I knew this so it made me happen when I saw that the Stills are coming to the Marquee on June 4th; unfortunately Metric are not listed as an opener. Which, given the New Times, don't mean nothing. [For clarity it should be noted that the New Times failed to mention that Metric were playing, otherwise the crowd would have been - atleast 1 but probably orders of magnitude more than that - stronger.]
But I may still show up anyway just to check and see if Metric are playing unnanounced yet again.
I was going to include this in a comment at Matt's blog but then I realized that this was too off topic for the comment. Thus y'all get it (edited differently) here.
I was watching VH1's video countdown of the 50 Most Awesomely Bad Songs of All Time (from the list with Blender) and something occurred to me. These aren't the 50 worst songs of all time, far from it. They might, however, be the 50 worst POPULAR songs of all time.
That is to say this is a list of fifty songs that everybody remembers, none too fondly in most cases. Which means that it'll generally produce enough shudders of revulsion and moments of hilariously painful listening that it'll be amusing enough to be remembered.
The reason I went back to it a few times was for the commentary on the songs; there was a mass of comedians and media personalities and whatnot making fun of each song. This did, however, get repetative; how many ways could there be to creatively say "this sucks"?
If someone (or rather, a group of someones) did a legit Fifty Worst Songs Of All Time it'd consist of songs the general public didn't get subjected to and thus the list would merely annoy the general public.
When you get used to setting your starting lineups any time before first pitch, it's easy to space on the midnight deadline for add-drops. I honestly wanted John Lackey's start tonight, seeing as how it was the Devil Rays. Blah.
So the Pixies are coming to Mesa Amp; this I've mentioned.
What's not coming is Lollapalooza.This site has their schedule and the line-up; I am very pissed that this schedule doesn't include anything roadtrip-able from Phoenix. Or atleast not for a weekend roadtrip. But the line up includes Le Tigre and Modest Mouse and the FLips and Sonic Youth and more headlining and the likes of Broken Social Scene and Elbow on the second stage over the two days. Myabe it's time to see what friends I have not been able to visit in their new environs.
Sorry, Z, there is, quite shockingly (heh), no Albuquerque date.
Also has anyone else started calling the first Dismemberment Plan album "chick"?
I was at the mainstage waiting for the Cure who closed out Sunday. I was wearing my white Arizona Cardinals jersey (#59, "Joyner" is written on the back.) Some big, drunk guy pushing his way through saw it and said
"Thank god for Wally Joyner."
Several others commented on the jersey, many without seeing the name on the back or asking who it was (there were many more comments on that on than on the Barry Sanders one I wore Saturday) but that one was the best.
UPDATE: The best one I saw was an Einar Diaz jersey shirt on the Cleveland Indians.
I like to wear jerseys to Coachella because they breathe well so it works for standing in the sun all weekend when it's 105F or so out.
I might make comments on who I saw/missed and things along those lines but not right now.
Also I'm at home now. Also the point at which I was most ecstatic was as the Pixies started Bone Machine. Also the Pixies are coming to Mesa Amp in September. In related news I'm going to Mesa Amp in September.