On November 13th, at this very blog, I commented on a Phoenix Symphony concert with guest conductor Michael Christie. I said, in part (referring to the Keeping Score bit), "I include the guest conductor's name not to promote the guy but to warn anyone who might have to sit through this nonsense."
The Phoenix Symphony hiredhim to fill the vacant Music Director post starting 2005-2006.
I don't have a lot of interesting stuff to report; I'm just here cause I don't want to do anything else at the moment. That's not so true but it's something to build upon.
I have toyed around with the idea of spining off my own blog and letting this one lie dormant until the football season ends but well, I just don't care to babble here that much (and that's precisely what I'd be doing.) I went into details but just now deleted it; I just don't feel like writing such things.
At any rate if I want to occasionally post to a blog no one reads this one will continue to be as good as any other.
I know I always say this but there had been some other reason I was posted but... well, I didn't leave myself any notes so it's lost forever.