Here is a site that may be useful/interesting. I have no idea who put this up; I am rather interested in knowing, however.
This site has the full text of the court opinion, Rehnquist's dissent and Stewart's concurrance. It also has 7 sets of "thought provoking scenarios." Finally it has links to a message board I have not bothered to look at.
I read a bit of Blackmun's court opinion; I learned that it isn't the sort of thing I can read through quickly or easily; I don't know the necessary legal history or terminology. [Precise jargon is absolutely necessary for conveying complex abstractions but it makes it difficult for the general individual to understand the specific.]
I read through and kind of answered the first 3 of the scenarios; they are interesting but I almost find them to be oddly constructed/selected.
I don't know, maybe I am being paranoid; the site overall seems very sparse and impartial - maybe too sparse and impartial. Or not.
Also, gotta give it to Cal, they made their free throws late and held on.
And, yeah, I know that link is to a story on the loss by the other PAC-10 team in my state to the other Bay Area PAC-10 team but that's all I could risk without killing my browser