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Saturday, February 21, 2004

Libertarian vs. Authoritarian
I come out solidly libertarian on the party quiz below. On Orkut, Google's superior answer to Friendster, there's one multiple-choice question where you can identify your politics. One option actually is labeled "Authoritarian"; I can't imagine too many people clicking on it.

And yet... sometimes I try to think of my own political antipode. Near as I can tell it's someone who wants socialized medicine, socialized pretty-much-every-thing-else, but also wants to put an end to cultural filth. Whoever it is loves labor unions and hates free trade, in fact a bunch of "swing states" (Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania) are probably full of voters like this.

I resent them almost as much as I resent the old people (Florida) whose greed and voter clout are going to see to it that I probably won't ever get to see a damn thing from the part of my paycheck confiscated in the name of social security.

posted by Matt Bruce  # 2:34 AM


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