My Pick-A-Candidate Results 100% Bush
57% Clark
57% Edwards
55% Sharpton
55% Kerry
53% Dean
42% Kucinich
Apparently the Democratic field is all basically alike to me. The major problem with a web site like that is that there's no way to figure out character -- or reactions to character -- from survey results.
For example, after adjusting for my irrational belief that trial lawyers (at least contingency-fee plaintiff's lawyers) are among the lowest life forms on Earth, I do find that as trial lawyers go, John Edwards is a great guy. He gives a powerful stump speech and I deeply appreciate his upbeat message. He doesn't understand how economics works but still on some level he appreciates what makes America work.
By contrast I find Kerry's personality reprehensible and Clark strikes as the bad kind of crackpot.
(Dean is the good kind of crackpot: The people who support him do so for all the wrong reasons, and this leads him to say really idiotic things sometimes, but I think I'd really enjoy Dean as a person if I knew him. In some ways his off-kilterness resembles mine.)
Oh, and along with holding public office and serving in the military (I left both those blank, since I really don't care) there ought to be a checkbox to exclude people who incite murder by way of race riot.
I wish Bush weren't spending money like a drunken sailor. That makes it really hard to support him, except when I remember that the Democrats probably wouldn't be any better and then wonder who al Qaeda et al would rather see in office.
Getting back to the survey: I had much stronger opinions late in the test than early. Lots of wishy-washiness on abortion and education, two areas that the federal government isn't suited for anyway.
Yet more agreement here that Roe v. Wade was a horrible decision. On the other hand, I have to oppose a federal ban on partial-birth abortion because it's inappropriate for the ban to be federal. Take it to the state legislatures...