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Friday, February 27, 2004

"Jon Lieber will do some mound work on Monday to test his injured groin, though it is unclear how far up the mound he will go." via Dave Barry

"Okay, time to play 'If you know what I mean.' This is a game for Ryan, Colin, and Wayne. For you at home, this is a fun game, where Ryan, Colin, and Wayne will try to come up with as many good euphemisms as they can. Ryan and Colin, you're two competing shortstops playing for the same team in spring training; Wayne, you're a pitcher coming off of injury..."


"Yeah, I'm doing a little 'mound work,' if you know what I mean..."

"Gonna test my groin, if you know what I mean..."

"How far up the mound will you go..." [dead silence, goofy expression on Ryan's face, Colin pretends to drink coffee]

posted by Matt Bruce  # 7:32 PM


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