Ahh, cleaning. You can never talk too much about cleaning. Or maybe people figured it was time to let the homosexual marriage/Kerry/etc run die after two of us linked the same statement to demonstrate opposed points.
I'd like to point out that I really like having multiple contributors to this blog. When other blogs I've read (and that's not many and those not very thoroughly) have had rants/commentary on moral/political/etc issues they are - not surprisingly - very one-sided. Some have a space for comments but that doesn't cut it; that's random people taking pot-shots away from their home turf.
At any rate this is a good blog and if anyone has come across any other (more focused, I suppose - I like the random thoughts and various bits since they're either from me or people I know and have heard from for several years [at the least]) multiple-user blogs please post links; I will refrain from complaining.