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Monday, March 01, 2004


Yes, this is something you want to advertise. Or rather someone selling cleaning (etc) products would want to advertise. I find white vinegar useless for cooking/eating but it is a natural fairly broad-spectrum cleaner.

Vinegar is acidic and cuts things like grease, soap, fats (yeah, I know they're pretty much the same thing) and whatever the hell that buildup on coffee makers is (it smells nasty but brewing a pot of say apple cider vinegar cleans it out - though then you have to clean out the vinegar by brewing blank pots of water) and various other buildups. I've seen suggestions for using vinegar in other ways - to deoderize, in the laundry, washing windows - but may let's not get carried away just yet.

They also make toilet cleaners but there is a limit to how much they can take off at any one time.

Now a nice balsamic or red wine vinegar is probably not your best bet for cleaning but they are your best bet for eating. As long as you can mask the smell.

posted by mountmccabe  # 11:33 AM


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