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Saturday, July 31, 2004

Reference Message Board 

1) It is silly to consider the article on Bush and the Cleveland Browns as bias compared with say, talk about Clinton.

a. Bush is running for president, Clinton is not.

b. Clinton is likely to be on Letterman promoting his book, and if you'll remember, there was a lot of talk about the political motivation behind the timing of My Life.

c. Is there really that strong of a specific Indiana/Letterman connection? That is does Indiana care that much more than other states who shows up on the Late Show?

2.) Bias is a non-issue.

a. Any news is going to be biased. There could be bias in the selection of what counts as news, what elements of each story that is selected are to be included, the writing style, tone, the list goes on.

b. And since everything is going to be biased the only work left is to figure out how something is biased and correct for it - by taking claims with a grain of salt, double-checking surprising "facts" offered, looking for commentary from a source with opposed biases.

c. Or, if you don't like how various news outlets report the news then simply don't read their news.

d. Whining doesn't accomplish anything. Starting your own news organization so that you can showcase your own biases (or supporting an organization that already does) may.

e. Yes, I understand that this is whining about whining. I at least am whining to/in view of some of the people doing the whining [though even if everyone I knew stopped whining about news bias it'd still be an annoying problem.] I guess I am also asking for commentary on what's wrong with looking at it as I have discussed here.

I gotta go.

UPDATE: I posted the following on the message board

Subject: I'm not gonna argue any more on if it's bias or not

For multiple reasons. [I still don't think it's any sort of specific anti-Bush bias but I understand that not everyone will argree with me on that.]

Something I meant to include with the blog post was an explilcit example using this article of why bias doesn't matter (real or no.)

1. If you don't want to accept offered political motivations, then don't. [In this case you don't let the bias have an effect on you.]

2. Alternatively one could use this to ponder political motivations of other politicians and their machinations (which you did, sort of, with an ex-politician.) [In this case you take the information offered and use it to form your own conclusions.]

posted by mountmccabe  # 7:53 PM

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