The response to my lyrics quiz thus far has been better than expected. What I didn't expect was that this blog would still be dead(ish) what with the end of the football league and no basketball league running (or, Gel, did people [and simply not me] join the one you started?) Ah, well, I figured people'll eventually congregate back here to watch me and a few others argue about stuff like this.
Getting back to the lyrics quiz I still have 12 of the 25 that have yet to be hinted at (there were 12 song titles in the original post; generally not hidden very well. There've been more hints since.)
But enough about that, let's talk about other, random things.
[SPOILER ALERT - but not really. The information I am giving about The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson is not all that informative and should not be remotely surprising to anyone the least bit aquainted with his work. What I mean to say is that I'm being rather broad in my sweep and I'm not giving away much more than that they are the main characters of the books and that that, for Stepheson at least, means that they never go away for that long. Incidentally, did anyone else notice how the description for Cyptonomicon starts ("With this extraordinary first volume in what promises to be an epoch-making masterpiece," emphasis added) on his site?]
Though it is now 12 days since I predicted I'd be done with it I've still got 135 pages left in The Confusion (maybe "new" was a typo for "full." I am quite happy and getting more so as I continue. Briefly the cycle follows three main characters in the latter half of the 17th century: Daniel Waterhouse, a friend of Isaac Newton and kind of much overshadowed member of the Royal Society, Eliza, an extremely enterprising former odalisque who meets with kings, philosophers and various other power brokers of the day, and Jack Shaftoe, a Vagabond/pirate/outlaw/king/trader who wanders around the world being hilarious.
Wow, that was a lot of work. My mother has a two-headed boyshaped hat so lay back in the sun in Anderson Mesa because I'm still your fag so don't go get a 32-20 and try to iron that on, it doesn't have the accuracy, Asa.
I could come up with some nonsensical sentence incorporating the the remaining unhinted at unanswered song titles (not including the ones in French and Latin), but why would I post that here for everyone to see?
UPDATE: The above sentence (well, really the one above the one above) was originally in white text - which is why the background of the entire blog was turned to white. Also the direct song title hints - both here and in the previous few posts - were not in bold.