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Saturday, January 01, 2005

My Queue 

UPDATE: 03/06/05: This is no longer being updated here. Check for updates at my personal blog.

UPDATE: 40 46 44 books are currently in the queue and 1446 pages of finished books. (02/19/05) Also, yes, I understand that "pages" sucks as a counter - for example Pattern Recognition was about 75 pages longer than F/32 but the latter had more words and took longer. Oh well, I'm not going back to estimating words in a book, I don't care that much. Yet.

Another thing I don't keep track of is how much I listen to the CDs which I do purchase (and have purchased.) This would be easy to do if all of my listening was at my computer from digital music... but that's so far from the case that it's ridiculous (and music listened to while at my computer is a non-representative subset of what I listen to that I can't just project from what data I do have)... but this is not what I was starting to discuss.

I was inspired by this post from the (possibly) soon to be renamed Waffle-Like Silicon Waffle House:

Keeping track of Books Bought and Books Actually Read .... [and] not allowing myself to buy new books (with few exceptions), thus forcing me to read the ones I already have. This could be combined with another gimmick, say, starting from authors beginning with A and seeing how far I get.

My first response was that it's impossible to not buy new books in order to force yourself to read the ones you have in the queue (or, at least, it is impossible for me to do that because I have self-discipline.) I love browsing bookstores (especially used bookstores) as much as I love browsing CD stores (especially used CD stores)... but inevitably I end up wanting to buy a few souvenirs... I mean, what fun is it to just find F/32 if you can't take it home with you? to commemorate the event? Then I decided that... well, it might be worth a try anyway. Or, rather, making overtures in that direction should produce more results than just hoping for the best... thus I shall list, for all to laugh at, my queue.

This list is going to be all fiction (including dramatic fiction, i.e. plays) mainly because that's the brunt of my reading.

For plays I'm only going to include books with a single play... I'm not going to, for example, list plays in Six Plays of Strindberg I have yet to get to; there are a number of collections like this that I'm cycling through non-linearly... which makes tracking difficult.

I also read a lot of poetry but it's more difficult to deal with. Also there are about 9 books of poetry that I'm semi-actively reading through (cycling through non-linearly) and a few others I haven't started. I'm not going to include philosophical or religious texts because I'm not going to. I'm not going to include Durant's Story of Civilization series but I am going to keep soldiering on through. I'm not going to include any other historical partially because there are almost none and partially just because. I'm not going to include anything else because that's all I can think of.

Let's see, I just finished Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson so that doesn't need to be here and I have no in-process novels. I'm in the middle of 60 Stories by Donald Barthleme and The Eye of the Sibyl (Vol 5 of the Collected Stories) of Philip K. Dick but I'm not going to read them straight through like novels (the same holds true for the short story collections that made it on the list.)

Yikes. Oh, well. Here goes nothing:

Now what I'd really want would be for the massive readership of this blog to comment upon these works; which one's should head the list, which ones I should not bother with, what's missing, how long I you think I can hold out before breaking (I did recently receive a $20 gift certificate to Bookmaster so there'll be more to add to the list, plus eventually I'll really break and get Gibson's Pattern Recognition) that sort of thing. Not that I'll listen, mind you, I just think it'd be interesting. I wonder if there's a way to turn on comments after posting. *UPDATE: Yes, yes there is. Unfortunately this also means all the old posts now have comments turned on; this was not supposed to happen and I don't know how to get rid of them. Then again I doubt the traffic here would call for spam.*

Also: This color means I have yet to read the book, let's say I'll use mauve (or whatever that is) for what I've finished and green for short comments on what I thought (longer comments will have their own blog post, presumably.)

UPDATE: D'oh. I lasted, what, a dozen days? On two days during the second full week of JanuaryI bought 7 more books. I had not finished a single book on my list and I went out and got more. And not even using the gift certificate (I stayed closer to home at less well stocked bookstores.) Alas, they are listed in a new alphabetical block after the main one. I can only assume that I'll do the same for the results of further lapses.

posted by mountmccabe  # 8:05 PM

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