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Saturday, February 19, 2005

Like a cool hunter watch the disarray 

Reference: I just finished this book (OK, the above is a line from a Sonic Youth song but I figured you'd get that anyway since there was so much response to the lyrics bit below [ISTINAH]) as noted in an update on an earlier post.

I didn't expect this, from Gibson. I mean much of it is pure WG but there are dimensions here I've never before seen from him. It does, however, seem condensed, written to be a movie but it's not going to make a good film. The ending is too sit down and explain things and too little action for it to work as a movie. The first three-quarters, however, c/should be immaculately cool and exciting.

Gibson usually doesn't translate well to the screen... his works are probably worse in this respect than John Irving's. Let's not get into Johnny Mnemonic but New Rose Hotel wasn't bad (though not much of a movie, if I remember correctly, which I might not.) I've seen one of the two X-files episodes he's written (need to find someone with season 7 on DVD. Maybe.) but I haven't previously heard (or come across) the short film made out of the Gernsback Continuum.

Final bit of trivia on Tomorrow Calling: the cast of this 12 minute UK short includes the wife of Robert Fripp.

posted by mountmccabe  # 1:08 PM


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